Quique Guzman visita Buenos Aires - Calle Corrientes - Leo Dan 1964

2020-01-25 7

Bs. As .: For the second time an American youth idol arrives in our country, Enrique or as many people call him Quique Guzman, the Mexican youth singer, exclusive artist of CBS Columbia. A legion of a fan will give you a loud and euphoric welcome, struggling to approach, talk to you or at least touch you. It is the idol of the new wave, something that could be translated academically into a new modality, that is, the eternal between the new and old generations. The celebrated star who confidentially told us that he intends to devote himself fully to cinema, then offers a press conference offering his usual sympathy for journalistic bombardment.
Date: 12/13/1964
Duration: 48 seconds
Film code: A-25398

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