She blocked me on Snapchat..Did She lose all interest? | Reply to Willgurney from

2020-01-17 2

I am replying to this simp called Willgurney from I am dishing out authentic game for my players, so stay tuned.

Original post:

So this girl was interested in me but i really messed things up. She added me on Snapchat and we were talking a lot. We met up to do homework and then i asked her to get lunch with me a couple days later. All was going really well. We hung out one night at a look out point that over saw the city--this was my chance to tell her how i feel/make my intentions clear--but i didn't tell her anything. After this she got kinda distant over the next couple of days, which at the time i didn't understand but now i know why( i didn't make a move/show interest). I asked her to come over to my house the next weekend and she said yes. When she was at my house we watched a movie and again i failed to make a move and was just acting weird about things in general. After this time hanging out I feel she really lost interest. She removed me from her private Snapchat story and stopped replying to my snaps/texts consistently, and if she did reply the answers were short-mostly one word. I felt as if i had really let one slip away. After this going on for about 2 weeks i decided to ask her what happened. I basically said "I don't want to put you on the spot but I've been wondering what happened, not too long ago we were talking and hanging out a lot and now we barely talk. I really like you and miss hanging out." I also told her that i felt i knew the reason why she became so aloof was because of how i acted and the fact i never really told her how i felt about her. She told me that she has been super busy with school and is hasn't been using much social media. I know this to be false, also this doesn't explain her blocking me from seeing her private Snapchat story. She did say that I was really sweet to text her about it and she would like to meet up and get together to do homework together later this week. I almost feel that she is just doing this to be nice and avoid making things awkward. Is she still interested or did she lose interest because i didn't tell her how i feel and make a move and now she is just being nice? I said yes to meeting up so if you guys could offer some advice as to how i should act when we meet that would be apriciated. Like should try to progress things again or not? How should i gauge if she is still interested while I'm there?

I should also add that she was definitely into me. I had multiple people tell me that she had either told them or her friends that she liked me.

Did she lose interest,Why do girls lose interest,Low interest,Flaking,Busy with school,Dating,,Snapchat dating,Blocked on Snapchat,Relationship Advice,Dating Advice,Red pill,blue pill,black pill,MGTOW,Men,Going Their Own Way,Snap chat game,social media