In the new Disney+ series “Diary of a Future President,” we see the origin story of a future leader. Told using the narration of 12-year-old Cuban American girl Elena’s diary, this new family comedy follows her journey through the ups and downs of middle school, which set her on the path to becoming the president of the United States. “Diary of a Future President” was inspired by creator Ilana Peña’s (Crazy Ex-Girlfriend) childhood and is produced by Gina Rodriguez’s (Jane the Virgin) I Can and I Will Productions. Rodriguez directed the first episode and guest stars as grown-up Elena. “Diary of a Future President” will feature up and coming actor Tess Romero (“Blind Spot,” “Alternatino”) as young Elena, an unabashed, ultra-observant 12-year-old with a strong point of view, who walks through the world with purpose and confidence. Charlie Bushnell, who makes his acting debut in the series, plays Bobby, Elena’s sweet and mischievous older brother. Selenis Leyva (“Orange Is the New Black,” “Murphy Brown,” “Maniac”) stars as Gabi, Elena and Bobby’s sharp and loving mom. Michael Weaver (“Here and Now,” “The Real O’Neals,” “Notes from the Underbelly”) plays Sam, a lawyer at Gabi’s firm who is in the beginnings of a relationship with her.