Gout and its Homoeopathic treatment.l गठिया और इसके होम्योपैथिक उपचार l By Dr.Arjun Sadhukhan.

2020-01-13 3

*Homoeopathic treatment of Cold and cough-( सर्दी और खांसी का होम्योपैथिक उपचार) https://youtu.be/6Z3GPxnWSzg

*Homoeopathic treatment of fever -(बुखार का होम्योपैथिक उपचार)

*Low back pain and its Homoeopathic medicine(कमर दर्द और इसकी होम्योपैथिकदवा)-

*Knee joint pain and its Homoeopathic medicine(घुटने का दर्द और इसकी होम्योपैथिक दवा)

*Common medicine in Rheumatism and pain -
1.)combination of homoeopathic potency -(Rhus tox 6 + Bryonia 6 + mag phos 6 + Arnica montana 6 + Hypericum 6)
2.)Rheumac tab (Unique Homeo lab )
*Main medicine for Gout--
3.)Acid Benzoic 200
4.)Guecum 200
Which alcohol is low in purines?
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Does whiskey make gout worse?
Can I drink alcohol during a gout attack?
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Are pineapples good for gout?
Can I massage gout away?
What vegetables should be avoided with gout?
How much water should you drink during a gout attack?
Can gout be caused by stress?
What snacks can I eat with gout?
How can I reduce uric acid naturally?
Can drinking water help with gout?
What is the best vitamin for gout?
Can drinking water flush out uric acid?
Is spaghetti sauce bad for gout?
Can too much sugar cause gout?
Can too much sugar cause a gout attack?
What's the difference between gout and neuropathy?
Is Pseudogout worse than gout?
Is exercise good for gout?
Should you wear socks with gout?
What is gout in the toe?
What time of day is gout worse?
Why does gout hurt so much?
Who gets gout the most?
How do you break up uric acid crystals?
Are onions bad for gout?
What fruit is good for gout?
Is tea good for gout?
Is Orange Juice Bad for gout?
How do you flush uric acid?
How do you get rid of gout pain fast?
How do you lower uric acid levels quickly?
What is the best thing to drink if you have gout?
Are bananas good for gout?
Is gout a sign of kidney failure?
Is pork OK for gout?
What food can you eat when you have gout?
What should we eat when uric acid is high?
How does a person get gout?
Can coffee gout?
Is lemon water good for gout?
How long does a gout flare up last?
What causes gout in feet?
Will gout go away on its own?
Is Egg good for gout?
What should you not eat for gout?
What can you not eat when you have gout?
Do tomatoes cause gout?
Are Nuts bad for gout?