Cyclopean Wall of Rajgir bihar bihardarshan

2020-01-10 49

The Cyclopean Wall of Rajgir is a 40 km (25 mi) long wall of stone which encircled the entire ancient city Rajgriha (Present day Rajgir, in the Indian state of Bihar.) to protect from external enemies and invaders. It is among the oldest specimens of cyclopean masonry across the world
It was erected by the rulers of Maurya dynasty before 3rd century BC using massive undressed stone for the protection of ancient city Rajgriha (present day Rajgir). It reminds the great administrative abilities of the Maurya Empires.
Only some portions of it remains.Most of it disappeared with time. This is currently under the protection of National Monument. The Bihar Archeology Department has recommended to the Archeological Survey Of India (ASI) that it should be include in the list of the UNESCO world heritage sites, and it was declared a world heritage site in 1987
It is 40 km (25 mi) long wall which encircled the entire ancient city Rajgriha (present day Rajgir).to protect it from external enemies and invaders
It is a type of stonework built with massive limestone boulders, roughly filled together with minimal clearance between adjacent stone and no use of mortar. The boulder typically seem unworked, but some may have worked roughly with a hammer and the gap between boulders filled in with smaller chunks of limestone.

साइक्‍लोपियन दीवार राजगीर की राजधानी शहर की किलावन्दी के लिए थी। यह मिसीनियन वास्तुकला के समान विशाल चूने के पत्थर से निर्मित पत्थर की दीवार का एक प्रकार है। मौर्यों से पूर्व की यह संरचना अपने गौरवशाली रूप में मौजूद नहीं है, लेकिन इसके निशान प्राचीन काल में इसके अस्तित्व की भव्यता का गौरव हैं।

यह भारत का एकलौता और दुनिया का दूसरा साइक्लोपियन वॉल है. यह महाभारतकालीन वॉल है. इसकी लंबाई करीब 22 किमी है. मगध सम्राट जरासंध ने मगध राज्य को सुरक्षा प्रदान करने के लिए इसका निर्माण कराया था.

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