All 22 of the webisodes and promotional content created for the US TV show Community, including the pilot created by (and starring) Dan Harmon, prior to any of the cast becoming involved. For those that have only seen the series, here is nearly an hour worth of new material!
Much, but not all, is on YT etc. - but I’ve always wanted to see it all in order, and I presume there will be others who feel the same.
So here it is in, at least roughly chronological form - I got the recruitment video and the Season 4 Premiere ones in the wrong order ;-( - enjoy!
The 5 As of Greendale (2009) x1
The Community College Chronicles (2009) x2
Study Break (2010) x3
Spanish Videos (2010) x2
Road to the Emmys (2010) x3
Dean Pelton's Office Hours (2010) x3
Abed's Master Key (2012) x3
Save Greendale (The Greendale Community College Experience) (2011)x1
Greendale CC Recruitment Video (2013) x1
Community Season 4 Premieres... Someday (2012) x1
Miracle on Jeffs Street (2013) x1
Abed and the Dean Share a Moment in a Honda (2015) x1