Apple : 1,42 milliards de dollars dépensés sur l'App Store en une semaine

2020-01-09 0

Apple Reports $1.42 Billion in App Transactions From Last Week of 2019.
According to the company, its users spent the
money from Christmas Eve to New Years Eve.
Compared to the year before, that
is a 16 percent increase.
It was a big year overall
for Apple's App Store, which
took in over $54 billion for 2019.
That is great news for app developers,
who Apple says have earned $155 billion
since 2008 when the store opened.
Apple adds that in last year by itself, sales accounted for 25 percent of those total earnings.
With 2019 now over, app sales
have continued their strong
surge at the start of 2020.
On New Years Day, a record
$386 million in app transactions
was reported by Apple.
Consumers are spending more in general in apps. More apps are discovering the ability to monetize more effectively, which is bolstering the stores'
bottom lines, Sensor Tower's Randy Nelson, via CNN Business