Irwin Family Helping to Save Animals in Danger After Australia Wildfires

2020-01-07 42

Irwin Family Helping to Save Animals in Danger After Australia Wildfires.
Terri and Robert Irwin, Steve Irwin's widow and son, spoke to Anderson Cooper on Monday.
about the work they are doing to help save the animals that were injured in Australia's wildfires.
It's so devastating for us to see that all across the country, vital habitats and so many animals from koalas to kangaroos to fruit bats have been displaced. , Robert Irwin, via 'Anderson Cooper Full Circle'.
We're seeing not only burn injuries, but also animals coming onto roads, being hit by cars, attacked by dogs, so it really is a
tough situation. , Robert Irwin, via 'Anderson Cooper Full Circle'.
The Australia Zoo, which is owned and operated by the Irwin family, has seen an increase in injured animals being admitted to its Wildlife Hospital.
It's definitely working overtime for our vets and nurses to try and treat everyone that comes in here. , Robert Irwin, via 'Anderson Cooper Full Circle'.
Koalas are particularly in danger
from the bushfires.
The problem with koalas is they instinctively go to the tops of trees. Eucalyptus trees have a very high oil content in the leaves, and when a hot fire hits a eucalyptus tree, they literally explode. , Terri Irwin, via 'Anderson Cooper Full Circle'