In this video is shown exclusive LITMUS PAPER TEST showing alkalinity of LONAR LAKE water.
Lonar Crater is located near Mehkar which comes in Vidarbha region.
Around 3,00,000 to 5,00,000 years before an asteroid with hyper-velocity hit our planet earth. It penetrated the earth's atmosphere and hit at Lonar creating 10 kms diameter debris-dust. The dust and debris took years to clear from the atmosphere.
This hit by Asteroid at LONAR SAROVAR is unique event in Earth's history.
And more-over for Vidarbha region which noticed this ANCIENT cosmic event.
The hit by asteroid at LONAR LAKE created 8 kms. in diameter and approx. 2 kms. deep crater. The crater contains water which is many times alkaline than water found in the ocean.