About the ALDE Seminar on Preserving Civil Liberties

2008-12-14 196

Video interview of David Roosevelt on the ALDE Seminar in the framework of the campaign "Preserving Civil Liberties". Human Rights & Civil Liberties - Past, Present, Future.

Interview by Sylwia Remiszewska

Event date: 10/12/08 15:00 to 18:30
Location: Room ASP 3G3, European Parliament, Brussels

Mr. David Roosevelt, grandson of former U.S. President Roosevelt gave guests an insight on the history of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in the European Parliament.

His grandmother was the person behind the drafting of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights so we are honoured that he was so kind to give ALDE a brief interview on CIVILIBERTIES ----------------------------------------------- MEP's Concerned:
Alexander Alvaro, Sophia In 'T Veld

For more information:
Fiss Joëlle - Tel: +32 2 283 10 88 Mob: +32 496 548 394

On ALDE Website: http://www.alde.eu/en/details/news/alde-seminar-in-the-framework-of-the-campaign-preserving-civil-liberties-human-rights-civil-lib/

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