About For Books The Creativity Crusade: Nurturing & Protecting Your Child's Creativity Best

2020-01-03 1

Do what you can to help your children's imaginations to grow and flourish - encourage activities which feed their imaginations" Sir Ken Robinson, 2008. This quotation inspired the authors to think about sharing their life-long collection of tried and true creativity activities and resources. Their engaging and provoking book, The Creativity Crusade, is a result of these efforts. It provides the strategies and mindsets needed to nurture and protect children's creativity! The book begins with questions for parents to ponder: - What are the most important elements that should be included in your child's education to prepare them for the future? - How much longer can America hold on to its innovative status with the testing culture that currently exists in our classrooms? - What role can you, as a parent, play in nurturing and supporting your child's creativity? The authors provide innovative - practical - researched-based - suggestions from both their classroom and parenting experiences. Rest assured, the activities, methods and tools presented in this book will give you the confidence and knowledge to start making a difference in how your children experience life, learning and happiness. And finally, the authors invite you to join their Creativity Crusade for every child, every parent, every grandparent, every home, EVERY DAY! "This book is refreshing. I know schools cannot be expected to take charge of fostering creativity in children and teenagers anytime soon. Parents own this responsibility. This whole idea intrigues me. I'm reading this with a highlighter and sticky notes.