US Raises Tobacco Buying Age to 21

2019-12-30 27

US Raises Tobacco
Buying Age to 21.
The new federal law was included
in a $1.4 trillion spending bill
signed by President Trump.
Both Democrats and
Republicans in the Senate had
expressed support for the move.
It is now illegal for a retailer to sell any tobacco product -- including cigarettes, cigars and e-cigarettes -- to anyone under 21, U.S. Food and Drug Administration, via statement.
Previously, the tobacco buying age was 21
in 19 U.S. states and over 500 cities and towns.
The increase comes as the number of vaping-related health injuries has
risen exponentially in the U.S.
Advocates have applauded the bill, but some claim it does not do enough to curb nicotine use by younger people.
Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids' Matthew Myers says flavored e-cigarettes must also be prohibited.
According to Myers, the flavored devices are the
biggest driving force behind the epidemic.
To reverse the e-cigarette epidemic, policy makers must prohibit flavored e-cigarettes and cannot be limited by what the tobacco industry says
is acceptable, Matthew Meyers, via statement