Millions Petition Netflix to Remove Film Depicting a Gay Jesus

2019-12-20 19

Millions Petition Netflix to Remove
Film Depicting a Gay Jesus.
Over two million people have banded together
to demand Netflix take down the Christmas
comedy special, ‘The First Temptation of Christ.’.
According to the petition, the Brazilian film
is offensive to Christians and depicts “villainous faith.” .
The group's anger is believed to be due to the
portrayal of Jesus as a gay man, as well as
the film's depiction of Mary smoking weed. .
The comedy group behind the film, Porta dos Fundos, has
since released a statement in response, refusing to apologize. .
Porta dos Fundos values artistic freedom
and humor through satire on the most
diverse cultural themes of our society and
believes that freedom of expression is an
essential construction for a democratic country, Porta dos Fundos, via ‘People’.
According to the group’s co-founder,
Fábio Porchat, Netflix has not indicated
that they plan to remove the film.
It doesn’t incite violence, we’re not saying
people shouldn’t believe in God … [Netflix]
haven’t said anything to us like, ‘Maybe we
should stop making the special available.’
They support freedom of speech, Fábio Porchat, via ‘Variety’

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