Thai housewife finds monitor lizard hiding under washing machine

2019-12-17 1

A housewife was shocked after finding a monitor lizard hiding under her washing machine.

Arunee Cherdnaimueng, 64, heard the reptile rummaging around in her kitchen in Udon Thani, northeastern Thailand last Sunday (December 14) morning.

She thought it was a small snake or gecko so she tried to pull it out herself but could only see its tail poking out from a pipe under the machine.

The pensioner contacted the local rescue team who grabbed the lizard but it wriggled free and scampered up a pipe.

They eventually caught it and took it outside, where excited neighbours had gathered because the traditional belief is that financial luck will come after a house is visited by a monitor lizard.

Arunee said: "I worried that the lizard might be stuck under the tiles and die, so I called the rescue team to come and catch it.

"Because the monitor lizard came to my house, it is a lucky sign and I am thinking about buying some lottery tickets with my house number in them."