Lizzo Says Body Positivity Is 'Trendy' Now

2019-12-12 18

Lizzo Says Body
Positivity Is 'Trendy' Now.
Lizzo claims she's been trying
to spread positivity through
her music for a long time.
but her message is just now starting
to resonate with people.
I've been doing positive music for a long time. Then the culture changed. There were a lot of things that weren't popular but existed, like body positivity, which at first was a form of protest for fat bodies and black women and has now become a trendy, commercialized thing. , Lizzo, to 'Time'.
How could we have guessed something like this would happen when we've never seen anything like this before?, Lizzo, to 'Time'.
The 31-year-old singer also took to
Twitter earlier this week to post a moving
message about how "pain is temporary."

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