Sea turtle rescued after being washed onto beach by typhoon in the Philippines

2019-12-11 4

A sea turtle that was blown off course by choppy seas during a typhoon was rescued after being washed up on a beach.

The marine creature was found among the wreckage in the recently typhoon-ravaged town of Ballesteros in Cagayan, the Philippines on December 8.

Cagayan was one of the badly-hit provinces by typhoon Kammuri last week, the strongest typhoon that entered the country this year and killed at least 17 people.

Resident Anthony Alvarez said his neighbours found the lone turtle near the boat and immediately reported to the authorities.

Anthony said: "The turtle didn't look hurt, but we still called on the authorities for proper handling."

An enclosure was made for the sea turtle where it stayed for one day before it was released back into the ocean on Monday (December 12).

The Department of Environment and Natural Resources checked the health of the sea turtle and facilitated the release.