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All exercises are done in supersets. For example, Standard Pushup are supersetted with Prison Squat. Do NOT rest within the superset (between pushups and squats), but rest for the recommended rest time after squat before repeating the superset.
For example: Perform Pushup followed by Prison Squat and then take the recommended rest time Repeat for a total of the recommended rounds before moving to the next superset.
Six Pack Abs Formula Week 1 to Week 3
1a: Pushup
1b: Prison Squat
2a: Band Row
2b: Forward Lunge
3a: Shoulder Press
3b: Side Lunge
4a: Tricep Pushdown
4b: Bicep Band Curl
5a: Plank
5b: Mountain Climber
Six Pack Abs Formula Week 4 to Week 6
1a: Band Press
1b: Overhead Squat
2a: Lat Pulldown
2b: Overhead Split Squat
3a: Y Deltoid Raise
3b: Prison Squat
4a: Overhead Tri-Extension
4b: Bicep Curl
5a: Reverse Plank
5b: Side Plank
Six Pack Abs Workout Schedule:
Perform each week 3x per week.
For example: Monday, Wednesday, Friday.
Week 1: 15 seconds work
30 seconds break in between
Week 2: 20 seconds work
30 seconds break in between
Week 3: 30 seconds work
25 seconds break in between
Week 4: 40 seconds work
25 seconds break in between
Week 5: 50 seconds work
20 seconds break in between
Week 6: 60 seconds work
20 seconds break in between
Get the Six Pack Abs Formula at