Older American Standard Fixtures

2019-12-08 1

Recorded at a McDonald's

At the time, this place was the only vintage McDonald's left, all the others were remodeled and have lame Zurn Fixtures. Sadly as of recently, this one closed down and is being remodeled. I'm going to be extremely pissed if they get newer Zurn trash in this newer restroom.

This restroom has:
•2 Block-less Logo (1984-1986) AS Lynbrook Urinals
•And a Mid 90's AS Cadet

This is a great restroom. Besides one other OG McDonald's (now demolished), these fixtures are hard to find in an older McDonald's around here. Most of the older style'd McDonalds around my areas usually has junk.

Rating: 9/10

(This was recorded in February 2017)