Online Petitions Want Michael Vick Removed From 2020 Pro Bowl

2019-12-06 4

Online Petitions Want Michael Vick
Removed From 2020 Pro Bowl.
Online activists have recently come together
to petition against Vick after the NFL
announced his involvement in the 2020 Pro Bowl. .
The former star quarterback was named one of four
captains for the upcoming Jan. 27 game, along with
Terrell Davis, Darrell Green and Bruce Smith. .
According to one of the petitions, which
has over 150,000 supporters, Vick does not
“deserve the honor” of being a captain.
He is a convicted felon and a known animal
abuser ... There are so many players that have
made amazing contribution[s] to society,
however Michael Vick is not one of them, Via
A separate petition on, which
has garnered nearly 240,000 signatures, calls the
NFL’s decision “a slap in the face to dog lovers.”.
Michael Vick should not be placed in a position
of honor - the dogs who were tortured and killed
deserve to be remembered and honored. Not the
man who played a part in their suffering, Via
The accusations made in the petitions
are in reference to Vick’s 2007 conviction
of killing dogs and promoting dog fighting. .
Vick was subsequently
suspended from the NFL
and given a 23-month
prison sentence.
He returned to the
league in 2009, playing on
the Philadelphia Eagles for
an additional seven seasons

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