About For Books Algerian Sketches Review

2019-12-05 1

Description fran?aise: ? la fin des ann?es 1950, comme des dizaines de milliers de jeunes hommes de sa g?n?ration, Pierre Bourdieu, tout juste re?u ? l'agr?ation de philosophie, se trouve plong? dans la guerre d'Alg?rie. Pouss? par une impulsion " plus civique que politique ", comme il le dit lui-m?me, rien ne lui para?t plus urgent que de comprendre la situation et " de fournir les ?l?ments d'un jugement, d'une compr?hension ad?quate, non seulement aux Fran?ais de l'?poque, mais aussi aux Alg?riens instruits qui, pour des raisons historiques, ignoraient souvent leur propre soci?t? ".Dans des conditions extr?mement difficiles, avec un petit groupe d'?tudiants, il lance une s?rie d'enqu?tes de terrain dans une Alg?rie quadrill?e par l'arm?e, qui le conduisent notamment ? d?couvrir la r?alit? effrayante des camps de regroupement et ? analyser les m?canismes de destruction de la soci?t? alg?rienne dont ils sont l'embl?me.Pour atteindre les objectifs qu'il s'est assign?s, Bourdieu doit op?rer une v?ritable reconversion intellectuelle, acqu?rir une connaissance ethnographique de la soci?t? alg?rienne, apprendre ? marche forc?e l'analyse sociologique, mais aussi inventer de nouveaux instruments th?oriques et empiriques ? permettant de rendre raison des rapports de domination propres au colonialisme et, en m?me temps, de penser la crise que la situation de guerre produit et exprime ? la fois.Cet ouvrage rassemble les premiers textes ?crits par Pierre Bourdieu en plein conflit ainsi que des ?crits et interviews ult?rieurs, dans lesquels il revient sur l'Alg?rie et le r?le qu'elle a jou? dans son travail.English description: In the late 1950s, like tens of thousands of young men of his generation, Pierre Bourdieu, having recently passed the agr?gation in philosophy, found himself immersed in the Algerian war. Motivated by an impulse that, as he himself says, ?was civic rather than political?, nothing seemed more important to him than to understand the Algerian situation and provide the elements that would enable others to come to an informed judgement about it. In extremely tough conditions and along with a small group of students, Bourdieu undertook a series of studies across an Algeria that was tightly patrolled by the army, leading him to discover the shocking reality of the resettlement camps and to analyse the mechanisms of destruction of Algerian society of which they were emblematic. To achieve the objectives he had set himself, Bourdieu had to carry out a genuine intellectual conversion, acquiring an ethnographic understanding of Algerian society, learning sociological analysis at a breakneck pace and inventing new instruments - both theoretical and empirical - that would enable him to understand the relations of domination specific to colonialism. These new tools also enabled him to analyse the nature of the crisis that the war had both produced and manifested. This unique volume brings together the first texts written by Bourdieu in the midst of the Algerian conflict, as well as later writings and interviews in which he returns to the topic of Algeria and the decisive role it played in the development of his work.

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