Millions of Text Messages May Have Been Leaked Online

2019-12-03 1

Millions of Phone Texts
Have May Been Leaked Online.
News of the leak came from a team at online privacy company vpnMentor this past weekend.
According to vpnMentor, millions of private SMS text messages in a database were exposed.
In terms of whose responsible, it adds
that text messaging firm TrueDialog
could be the culprit.
Globally, over five billion subscribers have connections to the
Texas-based company.
We contacted the company. We disclosed our findings and offered our expertise in helping them close the data leak and ensure nobody was exposed to risk, vpnMentor researchers,
via blog post.
vpnMentor adds that TrueDialog
did not respond to its offer and
that the database is now closed.
Exposed information could include private information such as phone numbers and finance applications.
The impact of this data leak can have a lasting impression for hundreds of millions of users. The available information can be sold to both marketers and spammers, vpnMentor researchers,
via blog post