Hummingbirds - The most maneuverable and agile birds on the planet

2019-12-03 8

Hummingbirds are some of the most interesting and beautiful birds of nearly 10,000 bird species on the planet. Hummingbird, the most maneuverable and agile birds on the planet, flight is too attractive. Hummingbirds humming sound created by their beating wings which flap at high frequencies are audible to humans, hence they are called hummingbirds.

In this video you can see photos and video clips of hummingbirds with description of hummingbird life and life facts.There are more than 325 unique humming bird species in the world. Humming birds cannot walk or hop, instead they use their feet to scoot sideways while they are perched. They also use their feet for itching and preening. The bee humming bird is the smallest hummingbird species in the world measuring about 2.25 inches long, which is only found in Cuba. Hummingbird’s feather numbered from 1,000 to 1,500, the lowest number of feathers of any bird species in the world.The fewer feathers keep them more lightweight for easier flight.

Hummingbird weight is amazingly low, as the average ruby throated hummingbird weighs 3 grams. Maximum forward flight speed is 30 mph. Eggs of the hummingbird are the smallest of all birds measuring less than ½ inch long. In Hummingbird’s food menus may consist of nectar, small insects, and spiders. May also sip tree sap or juice from broken fruits. A hummingbird must consume approximately ½ of its body weight in sugar daily, and the average bird feeds 5 to 8 times per hour.

A hummingbird’s wings beat between 50 to 200 flaps per second. An average hummingbird’s heart rate is more than 1,200 beats per minute which is very high in compare to a human’s average heart beat of only 60 to 100 per second at rest.
At rest, a hummingbird takes an average of 250 breaths per minute. The average life span of a wild hummingbird is 3 to 12 years. Although hummingbirds have no sense of smell, they have keen eyesight. Hummingbirds lick nectar with their fringed, forked tongues.
Though they are small in size, hummingbirds are one of the most aggressive bird species. They attack jays, hawks, crows, etc. that infringes on their territory.