Brazil President Jair Bolsonaro Accuses Leonardo DiCaprio of Funding Amazon Fires

2019-12-02 312

Brazil President Jair Bolsonaro Accuses
Leonardo DiCaprio of Funding Amazon Fires.
In a recent address to reporters on
Nov. 29, Brazil president Jair Bolsonaro
accused Leonardo DiCaprio of contributing
to the fires in the Amazon rainforest.
DiCaprio is a cool guy,
isn't he? Giving money to
set the Amazon on fire, Jair Bolsonaro, via ‘Complex’.
Bolsonaro’s comment is in line with his
previously stated belief that environmental
groups were responsible for setting the fires. .
On the question of burning in the
Amazon, which in my opinion may have
been initiated by NGOs because they
lost money, what is the intention? …
To bring problems to Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, via ‘Vice’.
DiCaprio has since responded to the accusation,
saying he did not donate to any of the nonprofit
organizations being targeted by Bolsonaro. .
The future of these irreplaceable
ecosystems is at stake and I am proud
to stand with the groups protecting
them. While worthy of support, we did
not fund the organizations targeted, Leonardo DiCaprio, via Instagram