Two people dead in terrorist attack at London Bridge,Suspect killed by police

2019-11-30 804

The stabbing incident at London Bridge on Friday has been declared a terrorist incident as Scotland Yard confirmed that one male suspect wearing a hoax bomb vest had been shot dead. Scotland Yard's police said, Two people who were injured in the attack have died, according to London’s police commissioner. Three other people who were injured are being treated at hospital.

ब्रिटेन का मशहूर लंदन ब्रिज शुक्रवार को आतंकी हमले से दहल गया. एक आतंकवादी ने ब्रिज पर आने जाने वाले लोगों पर चाकू से हमला कर दिया. जिसमें दो लोगों की मौत हो गई. वहीं कई घायल हो गए. घटना के बाद पुलिस ने इलाके को घेर लिया.पुलिस ने घटनास्थल पर ही हमलावर को मार गिराया. पुलिस पूरे मामले की जांच कर रही है.

#LondonBridge #TerroristAttack #London