Sumo Deadlifts 455lb

2019-11-28 2

Using a Double Overhand grip = NOT Hooked on all weights. Nice to get within 90% of my max 506lb. Can definitely see that with 4 plates on each side, 405lb, I am letting the hips come up too high and using too much back and not enough legs.... sooooo I will be going back down to 3 plates or so and working on that better positioning with the hips lower.
So even though I am using the weakest full hand grip on these, its still more than enough for what I need. YES, I could use a mixed grip or split grip or even straps and pull around 600lb but, the technique would be shit soooooo what's the point?? Don't get caught up in the 'more weight is AUTOMATICALLY better' way of thinking. Rather, think, 'BETTER is better'. As I correct the technique and get stronger, I will be lifting 500lb and more REGARDLESS of which grip I use. I will eventually go further than I've gone in the past because my TECHNIQUE is better which will allow me to lift more weight!! Good Luck & God Bless!!