You Get Everything Else Delivered—Now You Can Add Christmas Trees, Too

2019-11-28 19

You Get Everything ElseDelivered—Now You CanAdd Christmas Trees, Too Finding the perfect Christmas tree canturn into quite the time commitment, butnow you can simply order your tree online. So if you’d prefer to shop from the comfortof your home, here’s where you can ordera real Christmas tree online this year. All of Amazon’s full-size fresh treeswill ship for free, even if you’renot a member of Amazon Prime. The Home Depot’s real tree selectionincludes nearly 30 different types,heights, and prices to choose from. Lowe’s offers mostly Fraser and Douglasfirs and some Scotch pines and noble firs. If you want a traditional, fresh Christmas tree, Walmart will deliver one to your door for free. Wayfair is delivering live Christmas trees thisholiday season, and they’re on sale right now. Many family-owned Christmas tree farmsoffer shipping and delivery if you want toknow exactly where your tree is coming from.