Trump Tweets Photo of Himself as 'Rocky'

2019-11-28 65

Trump Tweets Photo
of Himself as 'Rocky'.
On Wednesday, ahead of more impeachment
hearings, the president tweeted a picture of his
face superimposed onto Rocky Balboa's body.
The tweet was not
accompanied with
an explanation.
Many speculate that the image might
have to do with how he feels about
the impeachment proceedings.
It is a Democrat Scam that is going nowhere but, future Presidents should in no way be compromised. What has happened to me
should never happen
to another President!, President Donald Trump, via Twitter.
The photo also coincides with Trump
dismissing health scare rumors.
Let me tell you, if I didn't feel great, I wouldn't be ranting and raving to 21-22,000 people, President Donald Trump, via statement at Florida rally.
Though much of the internet exploded in laughter at
Trump's expense, Sylvester Stallone may have gotten
a kick out of the photo as a fan of the president.
I love Donald Trump. He's a great Dickensian character. You know what I mean?, Sylvester Stallone, via 2016 statement to 'Variety'

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