वीडियो जानकारी:
शब्दयोग सत्संग
२ जून २०१३
अद्वैत बोधस्थल, नॉएडा
बौद्ध परम्परा के महान योगी एवं गुरु सरहपा के वचनों पर आचार्य प्रशांत जी प्रकाश डालते हुए -
The cross-eyed fool sees one lamp as two;
The vision and the viewer are one,
You broken, brittle mind!
~ Saraha’s Dohakosa: The Royal Song
1. The cross-eyed fool sees one lamp as two;
The vision and the viewer are one,
You broken, brittle mind!
2. Many lamps are lit in the house,
But the blind are still in darkness;
Sahaja is all-pervasive
But the fool cannot see what is under his nose.
3. Forsaking bliss, the fool roams abroad,
Hoping for mundane pleasure;
Your mouth is full of honey now,
Swallow it while you may!
4. Fools attempt to avoid their suffering,
The wise enact their pain.
Drink the cup of sky-nectar
While others hunger for outward appearances.
~ Saraha’s Dohakosa: The Royal Song
गुरु सरहपा के बारे में कुछ बताए?
सत्य क्या है?
अंधा आदमी कौन?
मूढ़ कौन है?
संगीत: मिलिंद दाते