Acharya Prashant on Avadhuta Gita: You must enquire from the Truth, not into the Truth

2019-11-23 3

Video Information: Acharya Prashant speaking at The Myth Demolition Tour on 8th May 2016, Dharamshala, Himanchal Pradesh, India


विशुद्धोऽसि समं तत्त्वं विदेहमजमव्ययम्।
विभ्रमं कथमात्मार्थे विभ्रान्तोऽहं कथं पुनः।।

You are pure. Free of the body. Free of birth.
Free of death. Free of differences.
Free of heterogeneity.
Why are you confused about the Atma?
How can you say that you are the confused one?

Avadhuta Gita, Chapter 1, Verse 30