This is how Rhinoplasty, Thread lifting, Ulthera and Chin Filler In Korea Works!

2019-11-22 2

Dr. Jeongho Cha of Mina Plastic Surgery performs the thread lift, rhinoplasty, Ultrasound Therapy and chin filler in perfect fashion. Dr. Cha is one of the most widely respected and distinguished surgeons in all Korea and his results are second to none. With a back ground as a reconstructive surgeon in the armed forces, he has tremendous experience in a variety of cases. | Contact | Breast Implants, Facial Reconstruction, Nose, Eyes and more! See before and after photos of some of the thousands of happy patients at Mina Plastic Surgery in Seoul, Korea in this video

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Mina Plastic Surgery:

Mina Platic Surgery is a full-service plastic and cosmetic surgery practice, led by the surgical expertise of renowned plastic surgeon, Dr. Jeongho Cha. Located in the heart of Gangnam, our facility has the most modern technologies available and a knowledgeable and personable staff. Our goal is to enhance your beauty utilizing the most natural, minimally-invasive, and painless techniques possible. We customize your entire treatment to your specific needs and make your life-changing experience at Mina Plastic Surgery a positive, relaxing, and exciting one.

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