Dr Corsi DECODES 11-20-19 Schiff star witness Amb Sondland crashes & burns on cross-exam; Burisma indicted today in Ukraine for money-laundering. Pt 2

2019-11-21 14

Today Rep. Adam Schiff featured his star witness, Amb Gordon Sondland, who testified he "presumed" Pres. Trump withheld aid from Ukraine until Zelensky agreed to investigate Biden. But on cross-exam, Sondland crashed and burned. He admitted Pres. Trump told him directly that Pres. Trump wanted NOTHING from Zelensky and Ukraine. The aid was granted and Zelensky did not begin an investigation of Biden (nor did he announce an investigation would be opened). Sondland is a hotel millionaire from Portland, OR who contributed to the presidential campaigns of John McCain & Mitt Romney. In 2016, Sondland refused to raise money for Trump despite being announced as a campaign contributor. When Trump won, Sondland donated $1 million to Trump's inauguration (Sondland's quid pro quo to be appointed U.S. Ambassador to the EU). Sondland ended up being more "presumption" and hearsay. Sondland did NOT hear the July 25 call between Trump and Zelensky.

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