Imams can play role in disseminating agricultural innovations

2019-11-19 6

Framing Future Bangladesh (FFB) organized a day long capacity building program titled “Agricultural Innovation and Applications of Agri-biotechnology for Sustainable Food Security in Bangladesh” for Imams and Imam trainers and officials of Imam Training Academy.

The program aimed to strengthen capacity of religious leaders for information sharing on agriculture, food and nutrition through the applications of modern agricultural technology. A total of 80 participants including Imams, ITA Trainers, Scientists, officials of BRRI, BARI,Cornell Alliance for Science and Farming Future Bangladesh attended the program.

Participants learned the status and prospect of agricultural innovations, effectiveness and access to innovation to address the challenges and how effectively they can disseminate evidence-based information for social awareness on the acceptance of safer and nutritious food. The program also focused on religious views specially aligned with the Islamic references. Read more fo the program:

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