ACCL - Single Phase Automatic Changeover Current Limiter

2019-11-19 44

ACCL Automatic Changeover Current Limiter can offer a fast, safe, and effective means of source changing to minimize power disruptions at your home or industry. Single-phase ACCL Automatic Changeover With Current Limiter (Phase changeover).

How to transfer your power sources during blackouts?


ACCL is a high precision changeover device with a current limiting function at both generator and mains supply.
These devices are ideally employed in multi-storeyed apartments, commercial complexes having an efficient standby generator.

Allows a user to:
perform effortless automatic changeover between mains supply and Generator or vice versa
automate power distribution, protect expensive equipment and prevent fatal risks
protect against unsafe low/high voltage and power interruptions during the
perform intelligent tripping to save the age of the cables
control trip settings for providing better accuracy
evade manual supervision and increase human safety.


Salient Features

Operates with single-phase and three-phase supply.
On-Site current programmability based on loads for both mains and generator.
Load protection from over-voltage and under-voltage.
Field configurable overcurrent setting and tripping for mains supply and generator.
Protection against neutral current flow beyond the threshold.
Individual phase overload monitoring in 3 phase ACCL.
Sequential time-delayed switching to avoid sudden overloading of the generator.
Microcontroller based automatic source changeover with neutral isolation.
Inbuilt display and measurement of I on mains and, I, V, F and Kwh on the generator side.
Single neutral for both mains source and generator to reduce the wiring cost.


For more details regarding the working of Accl feel free to visit us:


Elmeasure provides you with energy-saving strategies, helping minimize cost and consumption and has emerged as a beacon for energy consumers of the 21st century.


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