S. Korea, U.S. kick off two-day defense cost-sharing negotiations

2019-11-18 11

South Korea and the U.S. are holding another round of negotiations today on sharing the cost of stationing American troops on the Korean Peninsula.
The first of two days of closed door meetings is underway in Seoul between South Korea's top negotiator Jeong Eun-bo... and his U.S. counterpart James DeHart.
Washington is reportedly calling on Seoul to pay 5 billion U.S. dollars which is more than five times the amount South Korea agreed to pay under the current deal that expires at the end of this year.
Seoul has said repeatedly that the figure has to be fair and acceptable to both sides.
The reponse to the massive increase proposed by Washington has been meet with growing opposition among South Koreans.
Activists held protests outside the meeting venue claiming that Washington is trying to extort South Korea's sovereignty.