Trump Warns His Impeachment Will Result In Biggest Stock Market Fall Ever

2019-11-16 199

President Trump tweeted about the impeachment inquiry.

President Trump has warned that his impeachment "would lead to the biggest FALL in Market History."
He tweeted Saturday: "Dow hits 28,000 - FIRST TIME EVER, HIGHEST EVER! Gee, Pelosi & Schitt have a good idea, 'lets Impeach the President.' If something like that ever happened, it would lead to the biggest FALL in Market History. It's called a Depression, not a Recession! So much for 401-K's & Jobs!"
Trump's post comes the day after the Dow Jones Industrial Average reached an all-time record high of more than 28,000 points following news that a trade deal with China may be near.
That said, there are still concerns about a forthcoming economic slowdown based on manufacturing and retail trends.