Acharya Prashant on Sri Ramakrishna: To whom are you devoted - God or dog?

2019-11-15 2

Video Information: Acharya Prashant speaking at 32nd Advait Learning Camp, Jim Corbett, on 28th May 2017.

Quote: "A disciple once asked Sri Ramakrishna how he was to conquer lust; for though he was passing his days
in religious contemplation, evil thoughts were arising in his mind from time to time. To him the Master
said: "There was a man who had a pet dog. He used to caress it, carry it about in his arms, play with it and
kiss it. A wise man, seeing this foolish behaviour of his, warned him not to lavish such affection on a dog.
For it was, after all, an irrational brute, and might bite him one day. The owner took the warning to heart
and putting away the dog from his arms, resolved never again to fondle or caress it. But the animal could
not at first understand the change in his master, and would run to him frequently to be taken up and
caressed. Beaten several times, the dog at last ceased to trouble his master any more. Such indeed is your
condition. The dog that you have been cherishing so long in your bosom will not easily leave you, though
you may wish to be rid of it. However, there is no harm in it. Do not caress the dog any more, but give it
a good beating whenever it approaches you to be fondled, and in course of time you will be altogether free from its importunities."

~ Sri Ramakrishna