Dr Corsi DECODES 11/13/19: Schiff Intel Hearing Backfires on DEMS. Taylor and Kent give HEARSAY testimony. No Smoking Gun

2019-11-14 5

Ambassador William Taylor and State Department George Kent testified to the Adam Schiff's House Intel Impeachment Hearings all day. Their testimony was all hearsay, office gossip. The two State Department officials made clear they are NATO and EU lovers, very belligerent to Russia -- globalists. They are upset because Trump dared have his own foreign policy toward Ukraine. But Article 2 of the Constitution gives the president full authority over foreign policy. A foreign policy disagreement by two career State Department officials won't sell with the American people as a reason to impeach President Trump. For Schiff the optics of the hearing were awful -- Schiff not fair to president or GOP -- interrupting GOP members of Congress asking questions -- looked very biased.

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