Who is the thief? What is it to cut off his hands? || Acharya Prashant,on Guru Granth Sahib(2019)

2019-11-13 8

Video Information:
ShabdYog Satsang, Month of Awakening
23rd April, 2019
Advait Bodhsthal, Greater Noida


जे मोहाका घरु मुहै घरु मुहि पितरी देइ ॥
The thief robs a house, and offers the stolen goods to his ancestors.

अगै वसतु सिञाणीऐ पितरी चोर करेइ ॥
In the world hereafter, this is recognized, and his ancestors are considered thieves as well.

वढीअहि हथ दलाल के मुसफी एह करेइ ॥
The hands of the go-between are cut off; this is the Lord's justice.
~Asa di Vaar (Guru Granth Sahib)

How the circle of karma works?
Who is the thief? What is it to cut off his hands?

How does the Lord justice?

Music Credits: Milind Date