Acharya Prashant on Shri Ashtavakra: Going beyond your problems

2019-11-13 1

Video Information: Acharya Prashant speaking at The Myth Demolition Tour on 5th May 2016. Dharamshala.


ज्ञः सचिन्तोऽपि निश्चिन्तः सेन्द्रियोऽपि निरिन्द्रियः।सुबुद्धिरपि निर्बुद्धिः साहंकारोऽनहङ्कृतिः॥
॥१८- ९५॥

The realised one is free of thoughts and worries even in the middle of thoughts and worries. Is free of senses even in the middle of all sensory perception. Is free of the intellect even in the middle of the operations of the intellect and is free of the ego even when acting as the ego.

Ashtavakra Gita
Chapter 18, Verse 95