Stephanie came all the way from the states to combat an issue which she's been having since the age of 21. Due to having excess skin underneath her eyes, she always looked tired, even when she'd had a full night's sleep!
Drooping of the undereye can be due to excess skin and can easily be corrected by excising the unnecessary tissue. This is where the Surgeon makes an incision just below the eye, making sure to remove the droopy skin and repositions any fat that may have moved around due to aging. The duration of the surgery takes around an hour and no overnight hospitalization is required. The patient is able to leave the clinic as soon as they feel comfortable enough to do so.
Additionally, she also had Upper Blepharoplasty. Not only did her lower drooping make her appear more tired, but her upper eyelid area also had considerable drooping making her appear even more tired looking. This simple procedure works great in conjunction with Lower Blepheroplasty as both aims of the procedure are to make the patient look more awake. Similar to the Lower Blepheroplasty, any excess skin is removed to open up the eye and give the patient a more awake look
For a free consultation contact us at:
Phone (WhatsApp as well): +82-10-5920-5546 (Mon-Fri 930am-7pm, Sat 10am-2pm Seoul Time)