Thousands of ill patients risk health by visiting 'healing tree' in central Indian jungle

2019-11-12 337

A tree in central India has become widely famous for its purported healing powers, with thousands flocking to see it every day.

The "healing" Mahua tree stands near Nayagaon in Madhya Pradesh and it is believed over 1 million people with illnesses have visited the tree hoping for a miracle cure, as seen in this footage taken on November 11.

Thousands of people now visit daily, with figures claiming as many as 25 to 30,000 making the journey, often with debilitating medical conditions, to touch the tree's trunk.

The rumour about the tree was reportedly started by a local farmer, Roop Singh Thakur, who released a video in which he claimed that he had become trapped in the tree for 10 minutes and emerged healed of his limp.

However the fervour surrounding the tree's purported healing powers has led to some with life-threatening conditions believing themselves cured after visiting the tree, with potentially lethal consequences.

Authorities are attempting to locate Roop Singh; while villagers from the surrounding area have since set up stalls and souvenirs related to the tree to capitalise on the region's rapidly acquired fame.