How to hear Anhad, the soundless sound? || Acharya Prashant, on Nitnem Sahib (2019)

2019-11-10 9

Video Information:
ShabdYog Satsang, Month of Awakening
15th April, 2019
Advait Bodhsthal, Greater Noida


बिनवंति नानकु गुर चरण लागे
वाजे अनहद तूरे ॥४०॥१॥

Prays Nanak, touching the Guru's Feet,
the unstruck sound current of the celestial bugles vibrates and resounds. ||40||1||
~Anand Sahib, Nitnem Sahib

What is Anhad?
How to hear Anhad?
What is aural sensation.

Music Credits: Milind Date