Hillary Clinton Believes Wealth Tax
Plans Are ‘Unworkable’.
During a recent appearance at the DealBook
conference in New York City, Clinton spoke
against the creation of wealth taxes in America. .
She specifically called the wealth
taxes proposed by Bernie Sanders and
Elizabeth Warren “unworkable,” saying
they would be unfair and “disruptive.”.
People would literally have to sell assets
to pay the tax on the assets that they owned
before the wealth tax was levied. That would
be incredibly disruptive, Hillary Clinton, via Business Insider.
Clinton also argued that there
weren’t any “other examples”
of successful, long-term
wealth taxes in the world. .
I just don't understand how that could
work, and I don't see other examples
anywhere else in the world where it has
actually worked over a long period of time, Hillary Clinton, via Business Insider.
Instead, Clinton said she was “all in favor”
of reinstating an estate tax, which fewer than
2,000 Americans are expected to owe in 2019.