Environment Ministry Spent Over 600 Millions on Advisory Contracts: The Consultancy-Government Sleaze

2019-11-05 9

Reviewing the books of our Ministry For The Environment our Federal Audit Office (Bundesrechnungshof) found some irregularity. The expense was slightly above the stated zero € and hit slightly above the 600 million € between the years 2014 and 2018. This is emblematic of the consultancy-government sleaze that is entangling multiple German ministries since the wildly over-challenged medical doctor Ursula von der Leyen took over the Ministry of Defence (Note: She is currently the president of the EU Commission.) The boundaries of government and the corporate world blur as "limiteds" get founded by and are 100% owned by the state while "advisors" work full-time for ministries without the mandatory insurances that standard employees are obliged to have. An open door to nepotism was flung open and the corporate world, which used to call out government overreach, serves no longer as a watchdog, but rather as a lapdog.
