Street fires burn in Greece amid running battles between anarchists and riot police

2019-10-30 1

Riot police in Greece fired stun grenades and tear gas at masked anarchists wielding sticks and hurling stones outside a university in Athens on Wednesday (October 30).

Video captured by a Canadian tourist in front of Athens University Of Economics And Business on Patission Street shows riot police throwing stun grenades and charging at a group of people wearing black.

It also shows garbage dumpsters turned on their side and set on fire.

"I am a tourist here in Athens and left my hotel around 1pm to go for a walk and do some shopping on this busy street," filmer Jesse, from Montreal, told Newsflare. "As I turned the corner I noticed builtup traffic and a lot of smoke so I walked up the street to get a closer look.

"I saw the masked individuals taunting the riot police and banging their sticks on the ground and others holding bricks.

"As soon as I started recording, the individuals marched towards the riot police and began to throw stones at them and initiate violence; police then charged back with flash bombs."

Jesse said the anarchist logo had been put up on street signs in the area.

Local media reported that a group of about 40 hooded protesters set fire to garbage dumpsters outside the university and that fliers expressing solidarity with demonstrators in Chile had been spotted by eyewitnesses.