"Why so serious let's put a smile on that face... Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha... "
Who can forget that iconic performance of Heath Ledger as the Joker in the movie The Dark Knight. And we thought no one can come up close in comparison to that... but then came Joaquin Phoenix & mesmerized the audience with his classical performance.
Well today's video is about that movie... the JOKER... & what we can learn from it...
Now as the movie progresses we notice many things like...
Aurther transformed into the Joker & took on the whole world head on but in doing so he didn’t forget what constituted him. Till the very end he hold onto his believes & convictions.
Also in the movie Aurther was diagnosed of a psychological & neurological disorder that made him laugh when he was stressed, now if we try to adopt it in our life, however impractical it might seem but trust me laughing cures most of the toughest problems in your life.
Moreover in the movie we see that his family, his colleagues & even the whole society was against him but he never gave up, he kept on fighting for his inner convictions & finally the world acknowledged it.
We also see that Aurther aka the Joker to be taunted, teased & beaten up by everyone just because he was a bit different but one day he decided that enough is enough, so he raised his voice & protested against his oppressors which eventually led to the creation of the cult of “the Jokers”.
Now since this is a movie that is penned by many a critics to be bloody & gory & also the scenes were visually disturbing therefore we don't support the actions taken in the movie but we strongly support the inner meaning & intentions.
We hope that you like watching this video & don't forget to put on a HAPPY FACE while you do so...
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