Acharya Prashant on Vivekachudamani: What is the key to Moksha?

2019-10-30 1

Video Information: Acharya Prashant speaking at a ShabdYoga Session at Advait BodhSthal, Greater Noida on 22nd April, 2018

मोक्षकारणसामग्र्यां भक्तिरेव गरीयसी |
स्वास्वरूपानुसन्धानं भक्तिरित्याभिधीयते || ३१ ||

Among the means of conditions necessary for liberation, devotion (Bhakti) alone is supreme. A constant contemplation of one’s own Real Nature is called devotion.

~Vivekachudamani (Verse 31)

स्वत्मातात्त्वानुसंधानं भक्तिरित्यापरे जगुः |
उक्तसाधनसंपन्नस्तत्तवजिग्यसुरात्मनह |
उपसिदेद्गुरुं प्राज्ञं यस्मात्बंधविमोक्षणं || ३२ ||

Others say that Bhakti means a constant enquiry into the Truth of one’s own Self. One who has the above-mentioned qualifications and is desirous to know the Truth of the Self should, therefore, approach an illumined Teacher of redeeming himself from Bondage.

~Vivekachudamani (Verse 32)