Jacaranda Trees Are Blooming Now, And You Have to See the Photos

2019-10-29 1

Jacaranda Trees AreBlooming Now, And YouHave to See the Photos While those of us in the northern hemispheremay be enjoying fall foliage, the otherhalf of the world is in the thick of spring. Among the most stunning blooms we’veseen are jacaranda-lined streets in placeslike Australia, South Africa, and Brazil. In the U.S., they mainly grow in parts of Hawaii,California, Texas, Florida, and Arizona. The one most likely to fill your Instagramfeed, Jacaranda mimosifolia, produces avibrant show of purple flowers in late spring. Besides their beautiful blooms, jacarandasfeature delicate, fern-like foliage that lendsa soft texture to gardens and city streets. Their wide-spreading branches oftenwill form a tunnel of purple flowers. We would love to visit these gorgeous trees,but for now we'll let the gorgeous images ofjacarandas inspire our daydreams of spring.