Wife: Kalaimughilan isn't a terrorist, he has done a lot with PKR

2019-10-29 7

Twenty-eight-year old A Kalaimughilan was charged with two counts of possessing materials related to defunct terrorist group Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) at the Selayang Sessions Court today.

However, according to his wife M Tamilmalar, he is a contributing member of society who used to be an active PKR member.

She also denied his alleged links to terrorist activities.

Police arrested the scrap metal businessperson on Oct 10 and detained him without trial for 19 days under the Security Offences (Special Measures) Act 2012 (Sosma).

Kalaimughilan’s arrest was part of a large dragnet on LTTE that saw a total of 12 arrests, including that of DAP assemblypersons P Gunasekaran (Seremban Jaya) and G Saminathan (Gadek).