Don't Be Worried if Your Arm Hurts After a Flu Shot

2019-10-28 64

Don't Be Worried if Your
Arm Hurts After a Flu Shot After getting a vaccine for the flu,
your limb will usually feel pretty sore. Medical experts say
that is a good sign. Forward medical lead Nate Favini, via HuffPost It it also an indicator that antibodies are
being created by your immune system. This is in preparation if you
get influenza at some point. If you want to feel less pain, there
are a couple things you can do. Huntington Hospital CMO
Michael Grosso recommends
moving your arm around right away. Grosso says this will circulate blood and
oxygen to the muscles in your limb. Putting a cooled compress on the
area where you received the
shot will also reduce pain. Grosso adds that medication, such as ibuprofen,
can be taken as well. You may feel discomfort, but don't let that keep you from getting the vaccine.